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Woman with the Flowers in Her Hair by Homelight 2019 |
The unconscious mind works in symbols, whereas the conscious mind doesn’t need to code things into symbols. Our conscious minds communicate through concertizing abstract ideas into words. Our words, at best, serve as a crude estimation of the abstract ideas we wish to convey.
Meditation and contemplation were part of the painting process. Symbols and colors would appear. It is a thing or color representing something abstract. Personally, I see symbols as Motherfather Spirit telling me stop, be alert and take notice. Contemplating their appearance helps me be open to what is needed or eliminated in my life.
The following symbols appeared in my meditations repeatedly and were included in my painting.
Bluebird: Harbinger of Spring, renewal and transformation, growth. cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, hearth and home, good health, new births, the renewal of springtime, etc. Virtually any positive sentiments may be attached to the bluebird. Messenger bird of Xi Wangmu.
Navajo Song for waking up and greeting the morning sun.
Bluebird said to me,
"Get up, my grandchild.
It is dawn," it said to me
When I put her in, my best friend said Zippideedodah. I remembered this being my favorite song as a child. The song put me in a different place.
Dogwood flower: Symbol of rebirth and resurrection. Victorians saw the flower as a signal for love and strength. The Dogwood flower comes in many colors.
The dogwood kept showing up.
I also see the flower representing the four directions of a compass and the center being where two roads meet. A crossroad being a place in your journey when a decision needs to be made. It is a place where there is a balance of opposites. In many stories, it is a place to meet guardians to help you: Hecate, Vanth, Elgaba and Brighid. Wise women to assist you with your decision. All you need to do is ask. This is something hard for me. I have problems asking for help. I am first to help others, why not the reciprocal?
I am nearing a crossroad. I am ending my present position and trying a new career. I want to use art in this new career. My wish when I come to the crossroad that I will meet interesting people to show me how.
Colors of the dawn based on western European traditions:
Dawn for me is about new beginnings. A new day to shake off what isn’t working and forgive. A new day for joy.
Owl: Knowledge and wisdom beyond intellect. Ability to see what isn’t seen. The owl announces change and transition. Important changes are about to take place.
I did not purposely paint the owl into my painting. The owl appeared after the last glaze. It appeared very ghostly, and I chose to maintain the owl’s presence by faintly painting it in.
The Celtic Triple Spiral or Triskele: Is a female power sign and one of transition through growth. It also is said to mean one cannot be healthy without all three elements joined together: mind, body and spirit.
The Three Rays of Awen: The Celts used this symbol for transformation experienced through the power of fire. This symbol can be found in the Dogwood flowers.
Tuning Fork: a two-pronged steel device used by musicians, which vibrates when struck to give a note of specific pitch. The bluebird stands on it. I keep returning to Jonathan Davis’ article on how to restore harmony within and with others (2015). Davis writes about the Hawaiian practise of Ho’oponopono (I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you) helps retune one from discord to calm. Each day is an opportunity to reset and try again to be a better person.
Scars Symbols were a leaf like symbol inspired by Henri Matisse. Each scar placed into the painting were ones I self-identified through an exercise shared by Louis Reed, Energy Medicine Institute. Louis Reed was a guest lecturer at Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici Women Unleashed Winter 2018. These were painted over during a glazing process. One of the scars turned into the owl.
Aqua Aura Quartz: The properties of the stone are said to help one to realize self truth, even the truths you refuse to know or believe. It is a crystal to give you mental clarity and help develop your spirit. The crystal is also said to help you balance your masculine and feminine energy and release feelings of anger.
I have Aqua Aura Quartz on my desk at work. A small crystal fell off while I was dusting. The tiny quarts was painted into the heart area of the women with flowers in her hair.
The following symbols appeared in my meditations repeatedly and were included in my painting.
Bluebird: Harbinger of Spring, renewal and transformation, growth. cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, hearth and home, good health, new births, the renewal of springtime, etc. Virtually any positive sentiments may be attached to the bluebird. Messenger bird of Xi Wangmu.
Navajo Song for waking up and greeting the morning sun.
Bluebird said to me,
"Get up, my grandchild.
It is dawn," it said to me
When I put her in, my best friend said Zippideedodah. I remembered this being my favorite song as a child. The song put me in a different place.
Dogwood flower: Symbol of rebirth and resurrection. Victorians saw the flower as a signal for love and strength. The Dogwood flower comes in many colors.
The dogwood kept showing up.
I also see the flower representing the four directions of a compass and the center being where two roads meet. A crossroad being a place in your journey when a decision needs to be made. It is a place where there is a balance of opposites. In many stories, it is a place to meet guardians to help you: Hecate, Vanth, Elgaba and Brighid. Wise women to assist you with your decision. All you need to do is ask. This is something hard for me. I have problems asking for help. I am first to help others, why not the reciprocal?
I am nearing a crossroad. I am ending my present position and trying a new career. I want to use art in this new career. My wish when I come to the crossroad that I will meet interesting people to show me how.
Colors of the dawn based on western European traditions:
- Reds: excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, strength, power, and passionate
- Oranges: energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, demanding of attention
- Yellows: signifies joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, and friendship.
- Purple: spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, honor, mourning, and temperance.
- Turquoise: symbolizes calm.
Dawn for me is about new beginnings. A new day to shake off what isn’t working and forgive. A new day for joy.
Owl: Knowledge and wisdom beyond intellect. Ability to see what isn’t seen. The owl announces change and transition. Important changes are about to take place.
I did not purposely paint the owl into my painting. The owl appeared after the last glaze. It appeared very ghostly, and I chose to maintain the owl’s presence by faintly painting it in.
The Celtic Triple Spiral or Triskele: Is a female power sign and one of transition through growth. It also is said to mean one cannot be healthy without all three elements joined together: mind, body and spirit.
The Three Rays of Awen: The Celts used this symbol for transformation experienced through the power of fire. This symbol can be found in the Dogwood flowers.
Tuning Fork: a two-pronged steel device used by musicians, which vibrates when struck to give a note of specific pitch. The bluebird stands on it. I keep returning to Jonathan Davis’ article on how to restore harmony within and with others (2015). Davis writes about the Hawaiian practise of Ho’oponopono (I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you) helps retune one from discord to calm. Each day is an opportunity to reset and try again to be a better person.
Scars Symbols were a leaf like symbol inspired by Henri Matisse. Each scar placed into the painting were ones I self-identified through an exercise shared by Louis Reed, Energy Medicine Institute. Louis Reed was a guest lecturer at Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici Women Unleashed Winter 2018. These were painted over during a glazing process. One of the scars turned into the owl.
Aqua Aura Quartz: The properties of the stone are said to help one to realize self truth, even the truths you refuse to know or believe. It is a crystal to give you mental clarity and help develop your spirit. The crystal is also said to help you balance your masculine and feminine energy and release feelings of anger.
I have Aqua Aura Quartz on my desk at work. A small crystal fell off while I was dusting. The tiny quarts was painted into the heart area of the women with flowers in her hair.