Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Better World

Dear readers,

As you look out to the moon tonight - see possibilities.  Think about one thing you can do to create a better world. 


  1. Knit scarfs for the homeless.
  2. Give your old magazines to a food pantry.
  3. Bake cookies at work anonymously.
  4. Visit an elderly person in a nursing home.
  5. Write a letter to your state or national representative on a social issue you support - in the USA - the Violence Against Women Act is up for reauthorization.  It is having problems in the house getting sponsors.  Your e-mail could help.
  6. Share something with your neighbor.
  7. Paint a picture of a better world.
  8. Write a poem of hope.

Any more ideas?

Here is the link to the California Women who are organizing this prayer tonight.  http://motherofthenewtime.blogspot.com/2012/02/invitation-to-women-of-world.html

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Hi all - I really like your comments, but have had a change of heart regarding anonymous comments. My CCWWW beliefs are that you need to stand behind what you say and what you do. Peace out.